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Cressi 5 Litre Econo Float Flag 15m Line and Speed Needle

$115.00 $103.50


The Cressi 5 Litre Economy Spearfishing Float and Flag with 15-metre Float Line plus Speed Needle lets everyone know where you are diving.

This is a great surface marker buoy to use for scuba diving, freediving and spearfishing.

The Econo Float is made from high-density self-healing UV stabilised EVA foam with an integrated removable dive flag and keel weight. The bullet-shaped float is internally weighted to provide smoother movement on the surface which makes it easy to drag.

Comes standard with an Alpha Dive Flag to conform to Australian standards. This dive flag exceeds the Victorian requirements for divers’ personal flags. The requirement is that a diver's personal flag has dimensions of not less than 300 mm by 200 mm.

Dive flag size: 23.5 cm high by 36.5 cm wide.

Heavy duty mono tethers, plus two high tensile SS shark clips.

This 15-metre length of Float Line is perfect for spearers just getting into hunting larger game who are looking for quality products at an affordable price.

The Cressi Speed Needle is used to thread your fish onto your float line. It is one of the fastest and easiest ways for stringing fish.

Note: This item cannot be delivered outside of Australia.

(12/21 LRB)

The Scuba Doctor Australia
Boon Wurrung Country
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P +613 5985 1700
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