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- Nautilus Lifeline / PLBs
Introducing a new silicone case! The Nautilus Lifeline Marine Rescue GPS Silicone Pouch is designed to keep your Nautilus Lifeline Marine Rescue GPS in a secure, yet highly functional position on your gear. Be sure to protect your investment and also give yourself an easy way to always have your Lifeline GPS close at hand.
This impact-resistant case not only adds protection, it has slots on the back of the pouch for threading the case to a harness or waist belt.
Nautilus Lifeline Marine Rescue GPS Silicone Pouch Features
- Fits the Nautilus Lifeline Marine Rescue GPS
- Keeps Nautilus Lifeline GPS in Secure, Yet Highly Functional Position On Gear
- Protect Your Investment
- Keeps Lifeline Marine Rescue GPS Close at Hand
- Impact Resistant Pouch
- Harness or Waist Belt Slots for Attachment to Gear or Self
- Tough Silicone Construction
(04/22 AJG)