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This pair of Northern Diver Ankle Weights weights are designed to reduce leg and fin buoyancy and minimise back stress for a safer, more comfortable dive. Ankle weights are an important part of a diver's total weighting system. If your legs are too high then there will be increased drag. When your legs are too high this will slow you down and cause fatigue. Correct your position with these Northern Diver Ankle Weights.
Drysuit divers frequently require Ankle Weights because the legs of a drysuit are filled with air. The result is the legs want to float up. These Northern Diver Ankle Weights add Negative Buoyancy to the ankles and help bring the legs down into a correct horizontal position.
Heavy duty pre-filled lead shot ankle weights, featuring an elasticated quick release Fastex buckle which can be easily released with one hand. These ankle weights allow divers to fine tune their buoyancy or trim and evenly distribute their underwater weighting.
These ankle weights are filled with lead shot. If you're careful, you can unclip the fastener at one end and remove lead shot to reduce and fine tune the overall weight.
Northern Diver Ankle Weight Features
- Reduces leg and fin buoyancy
- Minimises back stress for a safer, more comfortable dive
- Side-Release Squeeze Style Quick-Release Buckles
- Easy draining Fastex buckles securely fasten weights
- Buckles easily released with one hand
- Durable Nylon Cover with Lead Shot for Ballast
- Form-fitting design and rugged construction
Norther Diver Ankle Weight Sizes
Small: Weight 0.4 kg (0.9 lb) each, Length 33 to 40 cm
Large: Weight 0.8 kg (1.8 lb) each, Length 40 to 46 cm
Colour: Black
(07/19 MER)
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