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Waterproof H1 Hi-Vis Hood with Air Venting System - 5/10mm | XXL


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The Waterproof H1 High Visibility Hood features a high visibility orange coloured surface with reflective patches for ultimate visibility and detection in choppy sea conditions in addition to the standard 10mm double layered protection in critical heat loss areas and glide-skin seals for the neck and face.

The waterproof H1 5/10mm HVH includes the unique HAVS (Hood Air Venting System) which uses one-way valves to vent annoying air build-up in the hood. Seams are glued and the I-Span super-stretch nylon, with bonded hi-quality nylon thread sewn. Hood is available in multiple sizes.

The body reacts to cold and heat by adjusting the bloodstream to different parts of the body, like hands, fingers and feet. But the body cannot adjust the blood flow to your head. This is to ensure brain function at all times. The colder it gets, the more heat you lose from the head by radiation, or by conduction in the water. You stay warmer with an effective hood. Waterproof H1 hoods are constructed with these scientific facts in mind and are proven to keep you warmer when you need it most. That is what we refer to as Facing Reality.

This is an extra warm hood developed for the polar areas yet still extremely comfortable because of the more flexible 5mm neoprene around the neck. Hood has an anatomical 3-D shape for added comfort and warmth.

Waterproof H1 5/10mm Hi-Vis Hood with Air Venting System Features

  • Durable Nylon ll Neoprene Rubber
  • Exclusive Hood Air Venting System (HAVS)
  • HAVS System (double vent valves)
  • Valves Eliminate Trapped or Build-Up Air from Regulator's Exhaust
  • 10 mm Double Layered Protection in Critical Heat Loss Areas
  • 5 mm Neck for Flexibility
  • Anatomical 3-D Shaped
  • Glide-Skin Seal
  • High Visible Orange Colored Surface w/Reflective Patches
  • Ultimate Visibility and Detection in Choppy Sea Conditions
  • I-Span Super-Stretch Nylon
  • Glued and Sewn Seams
  • Bonded Hi-Quality Nylon Thread
  • Available in Multiple Sizes

Waterproof H1 5/10mm Hi-Vis Hood Sizes

Sizes: XS, S, M, ML, L, XL, XXL

Drop Ship
This is not a regularly stocked item in our Rye dive shop. It is a special order and will be ordered for you from the manufacturer upon request and typically shipped directly from them to you the same day thus resulting in no delay in delivery. However, if they are out of stock this item becomes a special order from Europe typically resulting in a 6 -8 week delay.

Note: This item cannot be delivered outside of Australia.

(07/24 GL)

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