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Coral Wonderland - The Best Dive Sites of the Great Barrier Reef

New Holland Publishers
$36.99 $18.50

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Coral Wonderland
The Best Dive Sites of the Great Barrier Reef & Coral Sea

by Nigel Marsh.

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest reef system in the world. Stretching over 2300 km along the Queensland coast it would take several lifetimes to explore every one of its 3000 reefs. To assist divers looking for the best of the Great Barrier Reef the guide book Coral Wonderland lists the most iconic dive sites and dive destinations in this natural wonder of the world.

This brilliant guidebook details over 170 of the best dive sites on the Great Barrier Reef and beyond to the remote Coral Sea Reefs. Information is provided on marine life, depths, terrain, diving conditions, the best time to visit and a list of dive operators. Extra features are included on shipwrecks, unique marine life and other information that the reader will find invaluable to explore this spectacular region.

Filled with beautiful photographs, this book will inspire the diver and the non-diver to strap on a mask and head down-under, to explore this amazing coral wonderland.

Book Details:

ISBN-13: 9781921517808
Publisher: New Holland
Publication date: July 2016
Pages: 162
Product dimensions: 150mm (w) x 210mm (h)

(07/22 HS)

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