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AirDive Adjustable Relief Valve 1/4 BSPT

AD-273210 (Hookah)
Air Dive Equipment


The Air Dive Adjustable Relief Valve 1/4 BSPT is used on Hookah diving systems for increased diver safety.

Safe Hookah compressor setups have a built-in pressure relief valve which prevents excessive pressure from building up in the compressor head when the diver is only making a small demand on the compressor. The Air Dive Adjustable Relief Valve enables you to set it to give the average diver at shallow depths enough air to operate his regulator while leaving enough pressure left over to allow for increased exertion.

If a diver is breathing at a normal rate (light exertion), the pressure relief valve will occasionally 'pop off' and shoot out a burst of air. This is normal, as it prevents the excess buildup of pressure in the compressor head.

Made from high-quality marine grade 316 stainless steel, the Air Dive Adjustable Relief Valve has a Male 1/4-inch BSPT thread connection.

(03/22 HS)

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