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Swainston's Fishes of Australia

New Holland Publishers
$99.00 $49.50

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Fishes of Australia

by Roger Swainston.

A fascinating overview of the extraordinary diversity of Australia's marine and freshwater fishes, illustrated with Roger Swainston's breathtaking artwork.

Without a doubt one of the most comprehensive and superbly illustrated books available, Swainston's Fishes of Australia is an expansive tome of knowledge suited to divers, snorkeller's and underwater enthusiasts alike. Formally beginning in 2009, Roger compiled in excess of 1500 breathtaking illustrations, as well as hundreds of hours of research to complete this 832 page compositry of over 340 fish species found within Australian waters. The names of all known species are listed alongside detailed information on the taxonomy and biology of each family.

Book Details:

ISBN-13: 9781925546422
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Publication date: September 2020
Pages: 832
Product dimensions: 271mm (w) x 242mm (h)

(09/22 AG)

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