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- LED Dive Lights
- Snorkelling Accessories
- Top 10 Best Dive Lights
- Lighting
Our current favourite bang for buck video light Dive Perfect 120 Degree LED Video Light Complete
— 3 x White Lighting settings, 1 x Red to keep the sea lice at bay, 1 x 18650 Lithium Battery, 25mm Ball mount and a spare set of o-rings
Important Notices
- Please turn on the dive light before a dive, and then back it off a bit to turn it off. This makes sure the twist-on, twist-off setup is in the correct position.
- Please clean the flashlight with fresh water after each dive.
- Please lubricate the switch threads and O-rings with silicone grease regularly.
- Please take out the batteries if you do not plan to use the dive torch for a long time.
For more information about how to care for and maintain dive lights, please see Dive Light Care.
(12/22 MG)