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Salvimar Neo Mask | Petrol

$139.00 $107.91


The Neo is a monoframe mask from Salvimar. It offers you a large field of vision and a low profile for easy clearing. It is the perfect mask for freediving and spearfishing, but you can also use it for scuba diving.

The Salvimar Neo Mask has a preformed nose pocket 3D design for your comfort and easy equalisation.

The silicone mask strap is micro adjustable, so you can comfortably fit the mask to your face and create a good seal. The lenses are made from tempered ultra-resistant glass.

The Scuba Doctor Australia
Boon Wurrung Country
1/49 Peninsula Ave
Rye Victoria 3941, Australia
Commonwealth Coat of Arms
We accept Purchase Orders from Government Departments & Schools
P +613 5985 1700
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