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Adrenalin 2P Thermo Shield - Thermal Socks | XS



The Adrenalin 2P Thermo Shield Thermal Socks are lightweight thermal socks designed to trap heat around your feet to wear inside or on their own. The 2P material is resistant to water which means they wick moisture away from your feet and will keep your feet warmer inside fins, booties or shoes. Wearing thermal socks that Adrenalin 2P Thermal Shield Socks to use on land for adventure races and Obstacle course racing.

Warmer Feet, Less Cramps and No Fin Chafing

The socks are perfect where you need some protection but give you far greater freedom of movement than traditional neoprene socks. It provides warmth and protection for kayakers, surfers, spearfishing, cycling etc, with 50+ UV sun rating. It can also be used as an undergarment for Divers, Hikers, Fishing, Rock Climbing and perfect for the snow.

Adrenalin 2P Thermo Shield Thermal Sock Features:

  • Fleece comfort and protection without restriction
  • Superb thermal insulation
  • 50+ UPF UV sun protection, durable and lightweight
  • Stretch +170% for 4-way stretch comfort and flexibility
  • Durable Stretch Flatlock Stitching for maximum product life and comfort
  • Three panel comfort construction with a flat sole for a comfortable fit
  • Prevent Fin Chafing, great for all fins for body-boarding, diving and snorkelling

Adrenalin 2P Thermal Range Features

Years in the making and now here it is... Adrenalin 2P Thermo Shield! Adrenalin is so excited! It has taken them several years to develop this unique material and we are simply stunned with the final result. The amazing, unique properties surpassed everyone's expectations.

As outerwear, or as a thermal undergarment of insulation, the innovative, Adrenalin Super Stretch 2P Thermal Rash range is perfect for any activity, wet or dry, where ever you need protection, without restriction.

The unique combination of Polyester and Spandex in the Adrenalin 2P Thermo Shield provides great insulation wet or dry. And with its 170% + 4 way Super-stretch it not only feels extremely comfortable it allows you to perform with it acting just like a second skin.

2P Technical Polyfleece: a hydrophobic (repels water) material that dries in a flash because it can't hold water. This provides protection against wind-chill where most rashies will actually make you colder because wind-chill is 25x more effective on a wet surface.

170% 4-Way Stretch: Adrenalin's 2P boasts significant levels of stretch and one touch of a 2P garment confirms that. 170% basically means that 1 metre of material can stretch to 1.7 metre without deformation — this level of stretch comfortably covers the entire range of human anatomy.

Inner Fleece: a plush-inner lining completes the package by way of its supple feel against the skin but it's not just for comfort as it assists in wicking water away from your skin.

50+ UPF Rating: TGA compliant ultraviolet protection factor, blocks at least 98% of radiation.

Flat-lock Stitched Seams: as the name suggests, this seam is flat but the real glory lies in it's unrivalled durability.

To get the most out of your Adrenalin 2P Thermals we recommend washing it with Wetsuit Wash.

Sizes: XXS, XS, S, M, L, XL

(07/24 GL)

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