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Sonar DIN/Yoke Cylinder Valve Protector Cover - Vinyl - Blue. The Sonar DIN/Yoke Cylinder Valve Protector Cover is great for keeping your cylinder protected from the elements when it is not connected to a regulator. This is important to your safety and the reliability of your life support system.
The Sonar DIN/Yoke Vinyl Valve Cap fits most DIN tank valves, including the newer conversion DIN/K valves found on our cylinders. Keep one of these protective covers on the top of your cylinder/tank valve to prevent loss of your O-ring and keep debris out of the valve when not in use.
Valve cover is useful for identifying cylinders, and is also the standard to let boat and dive operators know if your cylinder is full or empty. Place cap over valve when full and leave off when you need a gas fill.
Protect your cylinder DIN/K valve from water, dirt, dust and crawling critters. This non-corrosive, soft vinyl plastic, DIN/K Valve protector cover is the kind to ensure proper protection. It slips over the top of your valve to protect your cylinder valve from having water enter inside the delicate internal mechanism when on the deck of the boat or when washing your gear after diving.
Cap comes with a loop of line to attach to valve, so its right there when you need it.
Intended for use with DIN/K valves with the Yoke conversion insert in place. While it can also be used with DIN/K valves that don't have the Yoke insert in place, for these a screw in male DIN valve protector would be a better choice.
Sonar Vinyl Valve Cover Features
- Provides Proper Valve Care
- Durable Plastic Protective Cover
- Helps Prevent Impact Damage to Valve
- Keep Dust, Dirt, and Water Out of Valve
- Useful for Identifying Cylinders
- Alert Boat and Dive Operators if Fill is Needed or Not. Industry Standard: Leave Off: Need Fill, Put On: Don't Need Fill
- Nylon Cord for Valve Attachment
Colours: Black, White, Blue, Yellow or Green
(09/22 AG)