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AOI UMG-01 LCD Magnifier for Olympus Compact Camera Housings

AOI Limited


This product is special order only - <4 days to dispatch

The AOI LCD Magnifier for Olympus Tough Compact Camera Housings is the best accessory we've seen yet for the Olympus Tough TG-3, TG-4, TG-5 and TG-6 underwater camera system because it cuts out annoying screen glare in bright water and it allows you to get a large, sharp magnified image from the camera's LCD screen.

Eliminates Annoying Screen Glare
The key feature here is that it will allow you to actually see the screen in bright conditions! With this loupe-style viewfinder, you can cut out the glare that you’ve probably experienced when shooting in water with lots of sunlight. This is a massive benefit since you'll actually be able to see your images in detail as you shoot them, especially when snorkelling or working close to the surface.

Get a Sharp Magnified Image from your LCD Screen
The magnified screen makes shooting the Olympus TG-3, TG-4, TG-5 and TG-6 way easier, specifically in super macro which is what that camera does best. This is great for composing your shots and reviewing your images to make sure the precise focal point that you're after is tack-sharp.

Easy to Install and Adjust
The magnifier snaps directly and securely on to the back of the housing, replacing the existing screen hood. You can adjust the focal length of the eyepiece so that you can get it dialled in exactly to where your eyes focus best. It's also fully tethered to the housing, even the lens cap, so it won't go floating off on you.

AOI LCD Magnifier for Olympus Compact Camera Housing Features

  • Get the Most from your Olympus TG-3, TG-4, TG-5 and TG-6
  • Compatible with Olympus Compact Camera Housings
    • Olympus TG-3 and TG-4 Underwater Housing - PT-056
    • Olympus TG-5 Underwater Housing - PT-058
    • Olympus TG-6 Underwater Housing - PT-059
  • Eliminates Annoying Screen Glare
  • Get a Sarp Magnified Image from your LCD Screen
  • Easy to Istall and Adjust

AOI LCD Magnifier for Olympus Compact Camera Housing Specifications

  • Magnification: 2.3X (underwater)
  • Material: Anodised Aluminium Alloy Barrel, Rubber LCD Hood
  • Waterproof: 100 metres
  • Dimension: 77.5 mm (L) x 76 mm (W) x 93 mm (H)
  • Weight: 178 grams
  • Accessory: Security Lanyards, Rubber Eye Piece Cap

Drop Ship:
This is not a regularly stocked item in our Rye dive shop. It will be ordered for you from the manufacturer upon request and typically shipped directly from them to you the same day thus resulting in no delay in delivery. However, if they are out of stock this item becomes a special international order, typically resulting in a 4 week delay.

(07/19 LRB)

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