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Suunto Clipper Wrist Strap Dive Compass (SH)



The Suunto Clipper Dive Compass will enable you to find your way both under water and on land. You can clip this small, yet fully functional compass to the strap of your dive computer or watch with the durable clip. The Suunto Clipper Compass is water resistant up to 500 metres (1600 ft) and balanced for the Southern Hemisphere (SH). Whether you're scuba diving, hiking in the mountains, or rock climbing in unfamiliar environments, the Suunto Clipper Compass is an innovative solution for keeping track of your whereabouts.

Attach and make it part of your diving or outdoor gear for easy direction taking

The Suunto Clipper Compass functions on a single jewel bearing filled with liquid and has a cardinal direction format to help you navigate your surroundings. The rotating bezel measures in incremental form, with 10 degrees separating every unit of measurement. It is balanced for use in the southern hemisphere and is lightweight enough to carry around anywhere.

Clips are provided, which allow you to connect the Suunto Clipper Compass to a watch strap, to wear around the waist, or it can be attached to your backpack. The Clipper Compass is an invaluable navigation tool and an excellent addition to your outdoor gear. It's perfect for scuba diving, hiking, camping, climbing or any other outdoor adventure.

Suunto Clipper L/B SH Dive Compass

  • Liquid filled jewel bearing compass
  • Balanced for Southern Hemisphere (SH)
  • Cardinal directions in luminous prints on card for easy navigation in unfamiliar environments
  • Direction on rotating bezel in 10 degrees increments
  • Clips to watch strap, sleeve, strap of backpack, side of map etc.
  • Optimised for 22 mm wide watch bands
  • Operable in low light with luminescent markings
  • A fun, super-compact aid for underwater navigation
  • Compact design: making it easy to carry around
  • Water resistant up to 500 metres (1600 ft)
  • Measurements: 30 x 24 x 11 mm (1.18 x 0.94 x 0.43 inch)
  • Weight: 5 g (0.18 oz)
  • Suunto limited lifetime warranty
  • Made in Finland


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