Weather, Tides, Conditions etc.
Latest predictions for Melbourne from Seabreeze
Port Phillip Local Waters Forecast
No warnings for VictoriaForecast issued at 4:40 pm EST on Tuesday 24 May 2022.
Weather Situation
A weakening high pressure system in the Tasman Sea is moving slowly eastwards. A low pressure trough and weakening cold front will enter western Victorian waters late Wednesday, with the trough to slowly cross the remainder of Bass Strait during Thursday and Friday. A short-lived ridge of high pressure will briefly become established over the State on Saturday, while another front crosses Tasmania.
The next routine forecast will be issued at 5:10 am EST Wednesday.
Full Port Phillip Local Waters Forecast.
Scuba Doctor Weather Station
Data from the weather station running at The Scuba Doctor. Click to view more...
Weather Resources
We often smile as it unfolds that the Melbourne and Mornington Peninsula region can have four seasons in one day, but these small changes in weather generally do not effect diving. If rain is forecast, it doesn't matter as you're already planning to get wet! When it's raining you will often find that the wind dies down and surface conditions improve.
These are the links to the web sites we use to plan our dives near Melbourne.
- BoM - Port Phillip Local Waters Forecast
- Local inside the bay forecast from Port Phillip Heads up to the city. It's a good gauge for wind speed inside the bay.
- BoM - Central Victoria Coastal Waters Forecast
- Central Coastal Forecast for outside Port Phillip Heads. This ranges from Cape Otway across to Wilsons Prom.
- BoM - Melbourne Forecast
- Bureau of Meteorology Melbourne Forecast.
- BoM - Mornington Peninsula Forecast
- Bureau of Meteorology Mornington Peninsula Forecast
- BoM - Geelong and Surf Coast Forecast
- Bureau of Meteorology Geelong and Surf Coast Forecast
- BoM - Latest Weather Observations for Melbourne
- Bureau of Meteorology Latest Weather Observations for Melbourne.
- BoM - Latest Weather Observations for Victoria
- Bureau of Meteorology Latest Weather Observations for Victoria.
- BoM - Latest Coastal Weather Observations for Victoria
- Bureau of MeteorologyLatest Coastal Weather Observations for Victoria
- BoM - Western Port Local Waters Forecast
- Bureau of Meteorology Western Port Local Waters Forecast
- BoM - Bass Strait and approaches Forecast
- Bureau of Meteorology Bass Strait and approaches Forecast
- BoM - Marine Wind Forecast
- Bureau of Meteorology Marine Wind Forecast
- BoM - Central Victoria Coastal Waters Forecast
- Bureau of Meteorology forecast for Cape Otway to Wilsons Promontory.
- BoM - Victoria and Tasmania Sea Temperature and Currents
- Bureau of Meteorology Victoria and Tasmania Sea Temperature and Currents
- BoM - MetEye - Port Phillip and Westernport
- Bureau of Meteorology MetEye Forecast Maps for Port Phillip and Westernport
- BoM - Marine and Ocean
- Bureau of Meteorology Marine and Ocean
- BoM - Melbourne Radar Loop - 128 km
- Bureau of Meteorology Melbourne Radar Loop - 128 km
- BoM - Latest Colour Satellite Image (Infrared)
- Bureau of Meteorology Latest Colour Satellite Image (Infrared)
- AIS Vessel Positions
- Port Phillip Sea Pilots AIS Vessel Positions. Displays real time ship positions and marine traffic detected for Port Phillip by global AIS network.
- VPM - Ship Movements
- Victorian Ports Melbourne Ship Movements. Ships arriving, departing and in port at the Port of Melbourne, updated hourly.
- VPM - Waves, Wind and Weather
- Victorian Ports Melbourne Waves, Wind and Weather. Detailed wave data plus wind and weather information for key location in Port Phillip.
- BayWind - Port Phillip Bay
- BayWind - Port Phillip Bay
- Willyweather - Blairgowrie
- The Willyweather forecast for Blairgowrie, Victoria.
- Seabreeze - Melbourne
- The Seabreeze forecast for Melbourne, Victoria.
The Scuba Doctor Australia provides the above information and links to other web sites for informational purposes only. The responsiblity for the accuracy and validity of the content on the pages linked to from this web site rests only with the concerned person/organisation which own the respective web sites. All queries or complaints in this regard must be directed only to the concerned person/organisation and not to The Scuba Doctor Australia or any of its constituents. The Scuba Doctor Australia does not assume any legal liablity for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information linked to from the The Scuba Doctor Australia web site. The Scuba Doctor Australia does not vouch for genuiness and safety of products that may be available on the linked to web sites.
Tide Resources
The Bureau of Meteorology's National Tide Centre website has seven-day tide predictions for Port Phillip Heads, Western Port, Geelong, Melbourne and Portland. Tide predictions for Australia and the Pacific are also available on the site.
- BoM - Tide Predictions for Victoria
- Port Phillip Heads Tides
- BoM - Tide Prediction for Australia
- Bureau of Meteorology Tide Prediction for Australia
- VPM Tide Gauges
- Victorian Ports Melbourne - Waves, wind and weather
- VRCA Tide Gauges
- Tidal gauges for Corio Bay and Port of Hastings.
- VICWaves
- A network of wave buoys off Victoria�s open coast.
The Scuba Doctor Australia provides the above information and links to other web sites for informational purposes only. The responsiblity for the accuracy and validity of the content on the pages linked to from this web site rests only with the concerned person/organisation which own the respective web sites. All queries or complaints in this regard must be directed only to the concerned person/organisation and not to The Scuba Doctor Australia or any of its constituents. The Scuba Doctor Australia does not assume any legal liablity for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information linked to from the The Scuba Doctor Australia web site. The Scuba Doctor Australia does not vouch for genuiness and safety of products that may be available on the linked to web sites.
As well, the Victorian Tide Book 2022, provides complete Victorian tide predictions for 2022.
Download a copy of the 2022 Victorian Tide Tables Edition 6 (Adobe PDF | 2.96 MB) — December 2021
See also Victorian Tide Times for 2022.
Port Phillip Water Quality
Beach Report from EPA Victoria helps you decide when and where to swim in Port Phillip. EPA forecasts water quality for 36 beaches in Port Phillip.
See also, How Do Bay Water Quality Reports Work (Adobe PDF | 726.45 KB)
— by Simon Mustoe, 4 February 2022
Avoid swimming near stormwater or river outlets 24-48 hours after heavy rain.