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Sharkskin Envirus PM2.5 Filter 10 Pack



Sharkskin Envirus PM2.5 filters are designed for use with the Sharkskin Envirus Hydrophobic face masks. They fit into a slot between the two layers of the Envirus Hydrophobic face masks to provide additional protection. While the masks are reusable the filters are not designed to be washed.

Sharkskin Envirus PM2.5 filters are shown to be effective in blocking airborne particulates, even the very smallest nanoparticles. These are a single-use filter and not designed to be washed.

This product is a pack of ten filters.

See also, Sharkskin Envirus Hydrophobic Face Mask.

Sharkskin Envirus Research

Sharkskin Envirus is a proudly Australian owned manufacturer who makes high-quality reusable cloth face masks suitable to assist in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19.

The function of cloth masks in containing the spread of COVID-19 has been advocated widely both in Australia and across the world. At Envirus they aim to take it one step further and provide a mask solution that provides a greater level of protection than standard cloth. As such they have made their initial mask offering out of specifically selected fabrics, with inherent waterproofing and/or Antimicrobial and Antiviral properties.

Initially they have employed a cloth containing Liquid Titanium which is a brand name associated with a fabric that incorporates charged Titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles which are incorporated into the yarns. Titanium dioxide (Britannica: Titanium dioxide) naturally occurs as a powder and is widely used today as a white pigment and in the pharmaceutical industry in such products as toothpaste, cosmetics and sunscreen. Liquid Titanium yarns were patented in 2013 and have many claimed therapeutic benefits and as such have already been used in the equine industry for many years.

The therapeutic claim of Liquid Titanium fabric that interests Envirus, is that it has antimicrobial and antiviral properties. This claim is at least partly supported by numerous independent scientific reports on the antimicrobial and antiviral properties of Titanium dioxide itself in various forms. See Interaction of titanium dioxide nanoparticles with influenza virus, and Antibacterial and antiviral potential of colloidal Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles suitable for biological applications.

As COVID 19 is relatively new, little research is available specific to a COVID virus however substantial research is now being undertaken globally as to how this fabric and nanotechnology can assist in the fight against the COVID-19 global pandemic. See .

Even though not all the research has been completed, whilst Envirus catch-up, they still felt the need to get the best possible product into the Australian market now as the need is urgent. This is unusual, but as most of you will appreciate, these are unprecedented times.

Please do note that Envirus are confident in their products and are in the process of undertaking our their independent research and gaining accreditations for their products and the fabrics they use. Envirus is currently working with the Australian Federal Government through the Innovations Connections Facilitation program who have connected Envirus into both the CSIRO and other Australian research facilities to undertake testing and product development which includes the following:

  • Antiviral properties including surface efficacy testing via Associate Professor Nathan Bartlett, Head of Viral Immunology and Respiratory group, Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI)
    NB: this test uses the virus OC43 which is in the same genus as SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19).
  • Differential pressure test (EN 14683Annex C) via CSIRO
  • Blood penetration testing (ISO 22609) as referenced by AS 4381:2015 for P2 medical masks via CSIRO
  • Blood filtration efficiency test (EN 14683 Annex B) also as referenced by AS 4381:2015

As soon as Envirus have the test results available they will be making their announcements.

Please also note Envirus are also going to be testing various other fabrics including one that contains silver as independent research has also shown silver also has antiviral properties, see Silver Nanoparticles as Potential Antiviral Agents. As Envirus complete testing they hope to improve and extend their range of products so they can, in turn, provide you with their customers, with the best available product, most suitable to your specific needs.

All Envirus tests will be conducted on both the raw fabric and on products that have undergone repeated and numerous uses, and washes to confirm the products truly are reusable.

At Envirus their message remains unchanged:

  • They are a proudly Australian owned company looking to support the Australian economy by maintaining and growing Australian based manufacturing capability
  • They aim to be part of the solution to protecting the Australian public from the blight of COVID-19 (in conjunction with social distancing and the other government recommended actions)
  • They want to reduce the environmental impact of COVID-19 by reducing the amount of disposable PPE that is ending up in our landfills and our oceans
  • They want to grow the company so they can showcase Australian quality and provide their product worldwide

About Sharkskin

Australian Mmade and Owned
SHARKSKIN™ is proudly Australian Made and Owned, manufactured in Newcastle, NSW. Sharkskin created the category of technical watersports apparel more than 25 years ago and since then they have made more than one million garments in their own factory and proudly export this Australian made range all over the world.

(09/20 LRB)

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