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Ocean Pro Orbit Steamer | Size 3XL

Ocean Pro
$139.00 $107.91


Oceanpro Orbit Steamer

The Oceanpro Orbit Steamer is the perfect suit for summer scuba diving or long snorkelling sessions.

The 3 mm neoprene is generally warm enough for people in summer and winter in the tropics. The neck and wrist seals prevent water from entering the suit, this suit will keep you warm throughout the warmer months or in tropical climates all year round if fitted correctly.

The Orbit wetsuit has knee pads for durability and comes with a back zipper which the majority of divers prefer being easy to get in and out of. Wetsuits are typically worn for warmth, however, they do help with other elements, including sun protection. The Oceanpro Orbit wetsuit will completely block out the sun’s rays, saving you those horrid after days of sunburn.

Another great reason to wear the wetsuit is stingers, especially in warmer waters, e.g. North Queensland. Many different types of stingers pack a punch so that the neoprene layer will stop this.


Features of the Oceanpro Orbit Steamer

  • Male 3 mm Neoprene wetsuit
  • Protection from UV and abrasions
  • Foam-fitting neck and wrist seal minimise water flow
  • Smooth-skin outer panels reduce wind chill
  • Spandura high wear knee pads for longevity and protection
  • Available in a wide range of sizes starting at XS

The Scuba Doctor Australia
Boon Wurrung Country
1/49 Peninsula Ave
Rye Victoria 3941, Australia
Commonwealth Coat of Arms
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P +613 5985 1700
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