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Salvimar Chameleon Speargun | 105cm



The Salvimar Chameleon Rail Gun is an excellent value packed railgun with Italian quality at an incredible price! It's incredibly easy to use and manoeuvre through the water due to its lightweight aluminium barrel and ergonomic handle.

The new Salvimar acid green 16mm rubber isn't as stretchy as the older acid green rubber with the black core, this rubber packs a bigger punch i.e. is harder to load but delivers more power, thus it turns this gun into quite a good all-round choice for inshore reef and shallow water (up to 15m-ish) dives.

The open muzzle provides very good aiming on the Chameleon speargun, another handy feature to ensure you get the most out of it. And you have the ability to add a second rubber to the gun if you're looking for more power and longer distance shooting.

The accurate reverse trigger mech handle has a side mount line release for easy shooting. The 6.5mm Sandvik stainless steel shaft is ultra high-quality, super strong and rust resistant.

All-in-all the Salvimar Chameleon Speargun is an easy-to-use, high-quality, affordable, and high performing rail gun, a great choice for a lot of common Australian conditions.


  • Aluminium rail barrel
  • Low profile multi band muzzle
  • Accurate reverse trigger mech handle
  • 6.5mm Sandvik stainless steel shaft
  • 100% Italian made acid green 16mm rubber with quick-release bridles
  • Mono shooting line with gun bungee
  • Side mount line release
  • An excellent value rail gun fir for inshore reef and shallow water spearfishing

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