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- Helium and Nitrox Analysers
- Analox Gas Detection
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An updated version of the O2EII, the Analox O2EII Pro Nitrox Analyser is the ideal portable nitrox checker, which can easily be taken on all of your diving adventures. The addition of the hose barb now allows the unit to be used while checking air quality at the tank or while the diver is connected to their first stage regulator, via their BCD's low-pressure inflator. (Note: To check via BCD low-pressure inflator you need to purchase an Analox BCD adaptor.)
To correctly plan for nitrox diving, all nitrox divers need to know the gas mix in their cylinders. Analox Sensor Technology offers a range of nitrox analysers (also known as oxygen analysers) as well as spares and accessories to assist any scuba divers looking to start nitrox diving. Quick and easy to use, the Analox O2EII Pro is splash-proof, drop-proof and is easy to transport when going on your annual dive holiday. The Analox O2EII Pro is robust and ergonomically designed to ensure a comfortable grip. The Analox O2EII Pro is small, portable and battery-operated, meaning it can be taken anywhere.
With the unit, Analox Sensor Technology provides an oxygen compensation chart, which enables the unit to be used in all environments around the globe. This allows you to correct the unit based on temperature and humidity.
As a diver, confidence in your mix means you can relax and enjoy your dive. Now you can check your tanks on the boat, making sure the tank you filled is the tank they hook up! The new Analox O2EII Pro is designed to be a major step forward in diver safety. Building on the success of the O2EII, the Analox O2EII Pro retains the same qualities but with many additional features. There are many O2 analysers on the market, many of which will give you an accurate read on your Nitrox... what sets the Analox O2EII Pro apart is its absolute superior construction and design: drop it, kick it, bang it around, fish it out of the water, it will still give you the most accurate O2 read, be the most comfortable in your hand, and last far longer than any of its competitors. Analox value is in their quality.
The Analox O2EII Pro oxygen analyser is designed to measure oxygen levels in the range 0.1 to 100% O2 for tank oxygen level verification. The Analox O2EII Pro is ergonomically designed and equipped with several features to ensure ease of use and reliability. The instrument has been designed to be held in the left hand to enable ease of use when checking your tank. It is fitted with a large digital display and operates from an internal temperature compensated electrochemical oxygen sensor. Power is provided by a 9V battery which will last for approximately 1 year before replacement is necessary. The Analox O2EII Pro Nitrox Analyser will automatically switch off after 10 minutes to ensure battery life is not compromised if the instrument is accidentally turned on.
The Analox O2EII Pro is water and drop resistant. Designed specifically for the diving industry whether you may be a sport Nitrox, commercial or military diver where hostile environmental conditions are the norm not the exception. The Analox O2EII Pro is supplied ready to use, all you need to do is push in the EII adaptor. The analyzer has an on button that also acts as a hold button to freeze the reading on the digital display.
The unit comes with a three-year graded sensor warranty and has an expected sensor life of four to five years in air.
The Analox O2EII Pro has a typical accuracy +/- 1% of reading +/- 0.2% of O2, an operating temperature of -5°C to +50°C (23°F to 122°F), a sensor response of 15 seconds to 90% of final reading, a resolution of 0.1% O2 and provides a 4-digit LCD display reading. Included with the analyser are a sensor saver cap and Owner's Manual.
This is one tough Nitrox analyser.
Analox O2EII Pro Nitrox Analyzer Features
- Updated Version of Analox O2EII
- All Nitrox Divers Need to Know the Gas Mix in Their Tanks
- Quick and Easy to Use
- Splash Proof, Drop Proof and Easy to Transport
- Portable Enough for Travel
- Ergonomically Designed for Comfortable Grip
- Small, Portable and Battery Operated
- Analox Value is In-their-Quality
- Large Digital Display
- Operates from Internal Temperature Compensated Electrochemical Oxygen Sensor
- Power 9 Volt Battery (expected life 1 year)
- Automatically Switch Off after 10 Minutes
- Designed Specifically for Diving Industry
- Users: Sport Nitrox, Commercial or Military Diver's
- Works when Hostile Environmental Conditions are the Norm Not-the-Exception
- On Button: Acts as Hold Button to Freeze Reading on Digital Display
- Measure Oxygen Levels in Range 0.1 to 100% O2
- Resolution 0.1% O2
- Typical Accuracy +/- 1% of reading +/- 0.2% of O2
- Sensor Life Up to 4 to 5 years
- Display 4 Digit LCD
- Operating Temperature -5°C to +50°C (23°F to 122°F)
- Sensor Response 15 Seconds to 90% of Final Reading
- Sensor Saver Cap and Owner's Manual
- Hose Barb for BCD Gas Check
The Analox O2EII Pro Nitrox Analyser package includes an Analox O2EII Pro portable nitrox checker with LCD display.
Please note that the Analox O2EII Pro does not come with an Analox BCD Flow Restrictor Adaptor.
Download/read the Analox O2 EII Pro Technical Manual (PDF, 26 pages, 840 Kb)
Tech Tip
Trust No One
Get an analyser. Learn how to use it properly. Calibrate it before every use. The only person who should be analysing your cylinders is you. The only analyser you should use is yours.
Label Everything
Clearly label anything that isn't air. If the MOD is less than the maximum possible depth of the dive (think deco cylinders), make sure the MOD stands out where not only you can see it, so can your buddies. Make it obvious to everyone if you are using the wrong cylinder at the wrong depth.
Consider putting a small piece of tape on each second stage, just in front of the mouthpiece, that has the MOD for the cylinder it is attached to. (This is in addition to the standard cylinder markings.) Any little thing that may save your life helps.